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A Title About Your Services

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Studios opened and partnered up with XBody have been highly successful around the world, thanks to our high-quality, advanced EMS training devices and unmatched business support – proven business models, tested best practices, extensive know-how, and ready-to-use marketing materials – for our studio partners.



Gain a competitive edge in the fields of physiotherapy, muscle recovery, pain relief and injury rehabilitation by applying EMS treatments for your clients. Boost your clients’ results and recovery time with the benefits of EMS. Our devices are compliant with medical standards ISO 60601 and ISO 13485.



Be ready for another XBody EMS solution. Whether you are looking for something to boost your business with and make your studio geographically unlimited, or you want to have a gym right in your home, XBody will have the answer for you.


It’s time to start or expand your fitness business, leveraging the numerous benefits of regular physical activity on general health and immune system. XBody’s portable EMS fitness solutions enable you to make fitness accessible for everyone, anytime, anywhere. Whether indoors or outdoors, our innovative devices break down barriers and eliminate excuses for not living a fit life.

Service 8

A short description of this service and how it helps clients.